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Home of the Whopper – one of America’s favorite fast food burgers – and much much more. If you’re looking for what’s on the full Burger King menu, prices included, check out the following menu snaps.

Burger King menu

The following Burger King menu is dated March 2018:

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We are not affiliated with this business. Prices, ingredients, nutrition and menu options are provided only as a reference and may be outdated and incorrect. Always confirm prices directly with the listed businesses.

Burger King menu 2018 - meals
Burger King menu 2018 – meals
Burger King menu 2018 - specials
Burger King menu 2018 – specials
Burger King menu 2018 - cheesy tots
Burger King menu 2018 – cheesy tots
Burger King menu 2018 - value menu, sides, salads, kids
Burger King menu 2018 – value menu, sides, salads, kids

The above

Burger King menu 2018 - beverages, shakes, desserts
Burger King menu 2018 – beverages, shakes, desserts

Burger King menu deals and specials

As of early 2018 Burger King had the follow 2 for $6 deal:

Burger King menu 2018 - 2 for 6 mix or match
Burger King menu 2018 – 2 for 6 mix or match

All the above menu pictures were taken in Utah in March 2018.

What’s on the Burger King value menu?

Prices for Burger King’s value menu start at $1 for a Cheeseburger, Chicken Jr or Spicy Chicken Jr. Going up from there you can also buy a Double Cheeseburger ($1.69), Bacon Cheeseburger ($1.69) and Bacon Double Cheeseburger ($2.29). Cheap sides include Value Fries ($1.49), Value Onion Rings ($1.49) and a four piece chicken nugget deal ($1.29). The cheapest item on Burger King’s value menu is a soft serve ice cream available in cup or cone for 75 cents.

What sides does Burger King have?

Burger King offers fries and onion rings in small, medium and large sizes. These also can be ordered by BBQ, Honey Mustard, Ranch, Zesty, Buffalo or Sweet And Sour sauces. Another item you can add as a side are chicken nuggets available in 10 and 20 piece sizes.

What is the Burger King veggie burger like?

Burger King uses a Morningstar veggie patty. In our opinion this is one of the best on the market, so makes Burger King one of the best fast food veggie burgers you can buy. The sandwich is $4.19 and a meal $6.19.

Burger King Simple Menu

If you need a Burger King menu in simple text format, our sister site Menu And Price has the menu in this easy to read format:

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