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Crow And The Pitcher is a bar located in Murray Utah. As a bar the business is 21+ only. The menu takes in all the bar food hits including some unique specialties, reuben eggrolls anyone?

Crow And The Pitcher curbside menu

The following menu is the curbside pickup menu for Crow And The Pitcher. In light of the Covid-19 outbreak. The menu is dated April 2020 and was provided by the restaurant.

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We are not affiliated with this business. Prices, ingredients, nutrition and menu options are provided only as a reference and may be outdated and incorrect. Always confirm prices directly with the listed businesses.

Crow And The Pitcher curbside menu - page one
Crow And The Pitcher curbside menu – page one
Crow And The Pitcher curbside menu - page two
Crow And The Pitcher curbside menu – page two

Crow And The Pitcher menu

The following Crow And The Pitcher menu is dated March 2020:

Crow And The Pitcher menu - appetizers, salads
Crow And The Pitcher menu – appetizers, salads
Crow And The Pitcher menu - sandwiches, burgers
Crow And The Pitcher menu – sandwiches, burgers
Crow And The Pitcher menu - favorites, brunch, dessert
Crow And The Pitcher menu – favorites, brunch, dessert
Crow And The Pitcher menu - cocktails
Crow And The Pitcher menu – cocktails

The above Crow And The Pitcher menu was provided by a reader of the site.

What are the hours for Crow And The Pitcher

Monday2.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m.
Tuesday2.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m.
Wednesday2.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m.
Thursday2.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m.
Friday2.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m.
Saturday11.00 a.m. – 1.00 a.m.
Sunday11.00 a.m. – 1.00 a.m.

What else should I know about Crow And The Pitcher

Don’t miss:
Service and atmosphere: Heading

Where is Crow And The Pitcher located?

4883 State St, Murray, UT 84107, USA
(801) 590-9187

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If you'd like to leave a review of your experience at this restaurant please focus on the specific dishes you sampled. Our goal is to help other diners with understanding and enjoying the above menu. If you did not enjoy a dish, please provide constructive criticism so the restaurany can use your feedback to improve.
Reviews that fail to provide insight into the menu for other diners will be removed. Reviews with profanity, or otherwise aggressive in nature will be removed.