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Meat Hook BBQ Co is a restaurant located in West Valley, Utah. The restaurant can be found to the South of the popular Westerner club and specializes in BBQ. The large menu runs through familiar combo plates as well as creative sandwiches and dishes like BBQ nachos.

The following Meat Hook BBQ Co menu is dated October 2022:

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We are not affiliated with this business. Prices, ingredients, nutrition and menu options are provided only as a reference and may be outdated and incorrect. Always confirm prices directly with the listed businesses.

Meat Hook BBQ Co menu - combos, meats
Meat Hook BBQ Co menu – combos, meats
Meat Hook BBQ Co menu -ribs, sandwiches, burgers, wings
Meat Hook BBQ Co menu -ribs, sandwiches, burgers, wings
Meat Hook BBQ Co menu - green, tacos, nachos, sides
Meat Hook BBQ Co menu – green, tacos, nachos, sides
Meat Hook BBQ Co menu - kids, desserts, drinks
Meat Hook BBQ Co menu – kids, desserts, drinks
Meat Hook BBQ Co menu - cocktails, beer
Meat Hook BBQ Co menu – cocktails, beer

Pictures from Meat Hook BBQ Co.

The following interior, exterior and food pictures from Meat Hook BBQ are from October 2022:

Interior of Meat Hook BBQ
Interior of Meat Hook BBQ
Ribs at Meat Hook
Ribs at Meat Hook
Exterior of Meat Hook BBQ
Exterior of Meat Hook BBQ

3380 S Redwood Rd, West Valley City, UT 84119
 (801) 938-3773

Reviews of this restaurant

Yum Yum

Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 12, 2023

Stopped in on a whim. Ordered the half rack of ribs. They are so very good. So meaty and tender. Others at the table had and loved the Philly sandwich and pulled pork. Loved it all. Will absolutely be coming back.

Doug Mason

Fantastic food

Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 23, 2022

Just tried Meat Hook for the first time and the food was fantastic I had the southern Philly and it was really yummy also I don’t know where they get their chicken wings but they were huge my daughter ordered them and we had to bring them home for later full order is definitely enough to share can’t wait to go back

Tamara Butcher

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If you'd like to leave a review of your experience at this restaurant please focus on the specific dishes you sampled. Our goal is to help other diners with understanding and enjoying the above menu. If you did not enjoy a dish, please provide constructive criticism so the restaurany can use your feedback to improve.
Reviews that fail to provide insight into the menu for other diners will be removed. Reviews with profanity, or otherwise aggressive in nature will be removed.