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Changs Food is a restaurant located in West Valley City, Utah. The restaurant offers a fusion of Chinese and Venezuelan food. The following Changs Food menu was sent to us by a reader of SLC Menu and is dated November 2021:

Changs Food menu

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We are not affiliated with this business. Prices, ingredients, nutrition and menu options are provided only as a reference and may be outdated and incorrect. Always confirm prices directly with the listed businesses.

Traditional Egg Roll (Lumpias Tradicionales)$3.99
Ham with Cheese Egg Roll (Lumps con Jamon y Queso)$3.99
Cheese and Jalapeno Egg Roll (Lumpias con Queso y Jalapeno)$3.99
Chinese Ribs (Costillitas Chinas)$11.99
Potato Chips (Papas Fritas)$3.99
Cantonese Rice (Arroz Cantones)$12.99
Fried Rice with Ham (Arroz Frito con Jamón)$8.99
Chopsuey with Chicken (Chopsuey con Pollo)$8.99
Chopsuey with Shrimp (Chopsuey con Camarón)$12.99
Chow Mein Special (Chow Mein especial)$9.99
Tenderloin on Hot Plate (Lomito en Plato Caliente)$14.99
Beef with Broccoli (Carne con Broccoli)$14.99
Bittersweet Chicken (Pollo Agridulce)$11.99
Chicken with Broccoli (Pollo con Broccoli)$12.99
Seafood on Hot Plate (Mariscos en Plato Caliente)16.99
Chicken bucket (Cubo de Pollo)$13.99
Chicken Tenders$4.99

Changs Food menu pictures

Changs Food menu - page one
Changs Food menu – page one
Changs Food menu - page two
Changs Food menu – page two

3576 S Redwood Rd, West Valley City, UT 84119
(801) 883-9468

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