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Open early and closing late – Rivas is a Mexican Restaurant located in Millcreek, Salt Lake City. The business hails from Vegas and has an extensive menu suitable for breakfast, lunch, dinner and late night eats.

Rivas Real Mexican Grill menu

The following Rivas Millcreek menu is dated January 2022 and was sent to us by a reader of SLC Menu.

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We are not affiliated with this business. Prices, ingredients, nutrition and menu options are provided only as a reference and may be outdated and incorrect. Always confirm prices directly with the listed businesses.

Rivas Real Mexican Grill menu - combos
Rivas Real Mexican Grill menu – combos
Rivas Real Mexican Grill menu - burritos, salads, nachos, drinks
Rivas Real Mexican Grill menu – burritos, salads, nachos, drinks

919 E 4500 S, Millcreek, UT 84117
(801) 261-6057

Reviews of this restaurant

Fish tacos are to die for!!!!!!!

Rated 5.0 out of 5
July 26, 2022

It was my first time trying here. And I’m so used to betos and such. I was expecting the Typical Fish tacos. But I was immediately surprised. The fish is so finely mashed thin and breaded incredibly with such flavorful taste. They give you a whole hot tortilla to make it how you want. I love tomatillo sauce that they included in the bag. It includes refried beans and rice so I was able to make the best taco or burrito set up. I did order fries thinking I wouldn’t be filled by the entree. But I won’t be finishing them because of how filling I got from the entree. And with the fries they included fry sauce.

Kieran Steffensen

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